Profiled: Ahimbisibwe Innocent Benjamin, the Africa Legal Award Laurette shares a portion of his professional experience

City lawyer, Ahimbisibwe Innocent Benjamin is undoubtedly one of the most prominent lawyers in Uganda who has registered tremendous success in the legal field, practicing law in most parts of the world. He is famous for winning some of the most difficult cyber-crime related offences but also, has great success in other fields of law in which he hold diverse knowledge.

On 20th November 2022, Lawyers Hub of Kenya hosted the Africa Legal Tech Innovation Awards in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. These Awards recognize individuals working in the Law Tech space in all over Africa including lawyers, policy makers and innovators. They award Lawyers who use technology to make impact on the world in the legal, political, Socio-economic and all spheres.

Ahimbisibwe won an award in the category of Legal Tech Person of the Year. Fascinating to note, is his great charisma, the intelligence and great client reviews and testimonials he has gathered in a short while of practice.

To gauge his  contribution in legal-Tech and the entire legal fraternity, you may simply have to type his name in the Google search engine and behold the marvelous articles, papers, legal opinions and books he has written, featured or even been cited.

The International Award Winning Lawyer is accredited for running a legal blog " which has helped very many lawyers and legal researchers within and beyond borders.

He is arguably the man who has researched and edited the most number of legal books in Uganda, numbered beyond 35 books. An example of them is the famous "OBJECTION MY LORD" which is arguably the biggest book ever written in Uganda. He also researched "The Law of Oil and Gas in Uganda" which is the first book of oil and Gas in Uganda, in addition to over 50 legal papers he has published on the internet for academic use. These Legal innovation Awards have been in existence for close to 3 years now. The other person who has won an award in these Innovation Awards is a prominent LDC Lecturer, Linda Alinda Ikanza.

Career and personal Life

Ahimbisibwe is a Legal Associate at Bakiza & Co. Advocates and interestingly, the brain and hands behind all the daily LEGAL ALERTS often published by the firm, which have simplified case summaries and are easily shared to enhance knowledge of the immediate legal developments. In his 2nd year at law school, he was already an author as he wrote a book titled "21 centuries of understanding" with Gukiina Patrick Musoke who was also a student at LDC, Lira Campus. Now you know why it's undoubtedly true, that Lira Campus is peculiar among other campuses.

A profoundly multi-talented man like Benjamin is, he is not only a lawyer or author, but also part-times in musical art. He is an example that being a lawyer alone is not enough, rather, the exceptional lawyer is better equipped to succeed at most levels and that you can continue to chase your passion no matter what profession you are in. He researched and edited the book titled "The Law of Sports and Entertainment in Uganda, 2022" and he is also commonly known as "The Entertainment Lawyer" because of his contribution and pro-activeness in both entertainment and the law. Benjamin has won several other awards both international and local, including the Best Alumni of the Year award, at Nkumba University, among other international nominations. 

In an exclusive interview with Ahimbisibwe Innocent Benjamin at UBC Tv, he told us that what inspires him is the longing to do something good for others to benefit and not himself. That the world is short of heroes and legends because most people ponder that, "what will I benefit from these efforts" without thinking about how much it may help others.

Finally, Ahimbisibwe prides in the knowledge from Ralph Emerson that "if a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than his neighbors, though he builds his house in the woods, the word will make a beaten path to his door."

That do whatever you can but do it in the best way possible, make it beautiful and though hidden, the world will look for you.


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