
Showing posts with the label unlawful killing

Cases & principles on Homicides: Murder & Manslaughter

   Homicide, murder and manslaughter in criminal law OFFENCES AGAINST THE PERSON HOMICIDES Homicide is the killing of human being by a human being. These can be divided into two categories: Lawful killings ü     Killing an enemy in execution of war. ü     Killing in execution of lawful judgment. ü     Killing in self-defense. ü     Killing in the course of arresting or preventing a crime. ü     Accidental killing. Unlawful killing ü     Murder ü     Manslaughter. ü     Suicide. ü     Child destruction. Who can kill? A man of sound memory and of age of discretion i.e. a man who is responsible according to the general principles of criminal responsibility. Who is a victim of homicide? One must be a living person. Section 204 of the Penal Code explains when a child is deemed to be a person capable of being killed. When does the life end? A person is termed dead when the brain stop working. Causation in Homicide Causation in homicide is provided under section 203 of the Penal Code. This se