
Showing posts with the label computer misuse act

COMPUTER MISUSE LAW IN UGANDA; A threat to the Entertainment Industry

A threat to the Entertainment Industry Following the inception of the Computer Misuse (amendment Act) 2022, several analysts have critiqued it in the legal and political direction and no doubt, have managed to elaborate the great mischief it carries along in the lanes of realizing political and social freedom. (Members of Uganda Musicians Association gathered for national prayer day on Nov. 2, 2022 at Rubaga Cathedral in commemoration of their deceased fellow artistes) That notwithstanding, a musician, socialite alias “slay queen/king,” social media influencers and any member of the entertainment industry to which I belong, is most likely to be affected adversely. Notably, today’s web and the new media underpin the ability to create instant communication sensations. From Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram and a collection of blogs, a news statement can advance from zero to 20 million viewers overnight. The viral nature of this highly social, user-driven environment enab